Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Mexico Mission: Day 5 Recap

Today we put up our walls, stretched bailing wire around the house, then tar paper followed by chicken wire. After hundreds of nails and nonstop pounding both buildings are looking awesome.

We did a little VBS with some neighbor kids, playing soccer, coloring and reading a story. It's awesome to watch our youth communicate despite the language barrier and it proves that actions do speak louder.

It was kind of a crazy day weather wise, it felt like Southern Oregon weather- started off raining, then sunny followed by wind and then clouds.

The highlight of the day was finishing our work and heading to the houses that were built last year. Alejandro was especially excited to see the group, calling many out by name and asking where some others were. He took Shawn inside and showed him couches, a little keyboard and drums and said ' I have church in here every Sunday." It was so awesome to see the hard work accomplished last year having a ripple effect and watching how God has used it.

Tonight around the campfire several teens shared what they thought God was teaching them this week. While the answers varied many shared they were learning that they are a part of God's bigger picture- His movement and His plan and that doesn't stop with Mexico.

Mexico from Mednaz students on Vimeo.


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